Saturday, December 10, 2011

This date in history...

War Marshal Manrehs arrived at the gates of Hannavas, the fortified port city of the Southern Rebellion Forces, and demanded it's surrender. Lord Eedrah, commander of the defending forces of the city, would refuse, and after a short siege, would be crucified outside the city gates.

Aissurians riot on rumors former king was poisoned

King Nitup
The Aissurian capital saw large numbers of protesters become rioters overnight after rumors surfaced that their late King, Retep I, may have been murdered by the now ruling King, Nitup. Rumors surfaced that Nitep may have employed the services of an assassin when he was Prime Counselor to King Retep and had him poisoned to be able to seize the throne. The source of the information was the late King's mystic adviser, Nhojluap.

The Royal Guard was dispatched into the heart of the capital city when hundreds of protesters quickly turned into thousands of rioters upon hearing the news. It is unknown how many citizens were killed.